Personal Guarantee:
The undersigned guarantees to bridgr the performance of this Agreement, if applicable, and any addendum thereto by Client, and in the event of default, hereby waives Notice of Default and agrees to indemnify the other parties, including but not limited to, the payment of all sums due and owing and costs associated with encorement of the terms fhtereof. bridgr shall not be required to first proceed against Client or enforce any othe remedy before proceeding against the undersigned indiidual. This is a continuing guiarantee and shall not be discharged or affected by the death of the undersigned and shall bind the heirs, administrators, representatives, and assigns, and be enforced by or for the benefit of any successor of bridgr. The term of this guarantee shall be for the duration of the Merchant Processing Application and Agreement and any addendum thereto and shall guarantee all obligatios which may arise or occur in connection with my activities durying the term thereof through enforcement shall be sought subsequent to any termination.

Signatory Certification:
Cient certifies that all the informatio set forth in this completed Merchant Processing Application is true and correct and that Client has receved a copy of the terms and conditions of any optional bridgr programs Client has selected to participate in, the Program Guide, and the Confimration Page, which is part of this Merchant Processing Application, and by this reference incorporated herein, Client futher agrees that Client will not accept more than 20% of its card transactions via mail, telephone, or internet order. However, if Client's Application is approved based on contrary informationM, you are authorized to accept transactions in accordance with the percentages indicated therein. Client authorizes bridgr and their agents to investigate the references, statements, and other data contained herein and to obtain additional information from credit bureaus and other lawful sources, including persons and companies named in this Merchant Processing Application. Client authorized bridgr and their agents a) to procure information from any consumer reporting agency bearing his/her personal credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living, and b) to contact all previous employers, personal references, and educational institutions. Each of the undersigned authorizes us and our affiliates to provide amonst each other the information contained in this Merchant Processsing Application and Agreement, and any information received from all references, including banks and coonsumer reporting agencies. It is our responsibility and policy to obtain certain information in order to verify your identity while processing your account application, including but not limited to, an OFAC search, Mastercard(r) MATCH lookup, Discover Network Consortium Merchant Negative File ("CMNF") and inquiry into your FICO score.

By signing, I represent that I have read and am authorized to sign and submit this application for the above entity whih agrees to be bound by the American Express (r) Card Acceptance Agreement, and that all information provided herein is true, complete, and accurate. I authorize bridgr and American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. (AXP) and AXP's agents and affiliates to erify the information on this application and receive and exchange information about me personally, including by requesting reports from consumer reporting agencies, and disclose such information to their agent, subcontractors, affiliates, and other parties for any purpose permitted by law. I authorize and direct bridgr and AXP and AXP agents and affiliates to inform me directly, or through the entity above, of reports about me that they have requested from consumer reporting agencies. Such information will include the name ad address of the agency furnishing the report. I also authorize AXP to use the reports from consumer reporting agencies for marketing and administrative purposes.

I understand that upon AXP's approval of this application, the entity will be provided with the agreement and materials welcoming to to either AXP's program for bridgr to perform services for AXP or to AXP's standard Card acceptance program which has different servicing terms. I understand that if the entity does not qualify for the bridgr servicing program that the entity may be enrolled in AXP"s standard Card aceptance program, and the entity may terminate the Agreement. By accepting the American Express Card for the purchase of goods and/or services, or otherwise indicating its intention to be found, the entity agrees to be bound by the Agreement.

Client agreed to all the terms of this Merchant Processing Application and Agreement. You further acknowledge and agree that you will not use your merchant account and/or the Services for illegal transactions, for example, those pohibited by the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, as may be amended from time to time. This Merchant Processing Application and Agreement shall not take effect until Client has been approved and this Agreement has been accepted by bridgr. The aAGreement shall be deemed as accepted only upon he assignment and issuance of a Merchant ID number (MID) by bridgr.

Merchant Application Confrmation Page

Please read the Program Guide in its entirety. It describes the terms under which we will provide merchant processing services to you.

From time to time you may have questions regarding the contents of your Agreement with Bank and/or Processor. The following information summarizes portions of your 

Agreement in order to assist you in answering some of the questions we are most commonly asked:

1. Your discount rates are assessed on transactions that qualify for certain reduced interchange rates imposed by MasterCard, Visa and Discover Network. Any transactions that fail to qualify for these reduced rates will be charged an additional fee (see Sec tion 17 of the Program Guide).

2. We may debit your bank account from time to time for amounts owed to us under the Agreement.

3. There are many reasons why a Chargeback may occur. When they occur we will debit your settlement funds or settlement account. For a more detailed discussion regarding 

Chargebacks, see Section 10.

4. If you dispute any charge or funding, you must notify us within 60 days of the date of the statement where the charge or funding appears or should have appeared.

5. The Agreement limits our liability to you. For a detailed description of the limitation of liability see Section 19.

6. We have assumed certain risks by agreeing to provide you with Card processing. Accordingly, we may take certain actions to mitigate our risk, including termination of the Agreement, and/or hold monies otherwise payable to you (see Section 22, Term; Events of Default and Section 23, Reserve Account; Security Interest).

7. By executing this Agreement with us you are authorizing us and our Affliate to obtain financial and credit information regarding your business and the signer and guarantors of the Agreement until all your obligations to us and our Affliate are satisfed.

8. The Agreement contains a provision that in the event you terminate the Agreement early, you may be responsible for the payment of early termination fees as set forth in Section 33, Additional Fee Information.

9. You agree that bridgr is not liable for your monetary losses due to lost chargeback or compliance cases, costs from a compromised bank or processing account, any fees or fnes charged by the Card Associations to bridgr or Bank attributable to your Merchant Account and you have no recourse for such losses due to activity processed under your Merchant Account or due to your actions related to your merchant account.

Bank Disclosure

Member Bank (Acquirer) Information: Commercial Bank of California, 19752 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92612

Important Bank Responsibilities:

• Commercial Bank of California is the only entity approved to extend acceptance of Visa 

products directly to a merchant.

• Commercial Bank of California must be a principal party to the merchant agreement.

• Commercial Bank of California is responsible for, and must provide settlement funds to, the 


• Commercial Bank of California is responsible for all funds held in reserve that are derived 

from settlement.

• Commercial Bank of California is responsible for educating merchants on pertinent Visa Rules 

with which merchants must comply.

Important Merchant Responsibilities:

• Ensure compliance with cardholder data security and storage requirements.

• Maintain fraud and disputes below thresholds.

• Review and understand the terms of the merchant agreement.

• Comply with Card Brand Rules.

The responsibilities listed above do not supersede terms of the merchant agreement and are provided to ensure the merchant understands important obligations of each party and that the Visa Member, 

Commercial Bank of California, is the ultimate authority should the merchant have any problems.

By its signature, Client acknowledges that it received the complete Program Guide consisting of 26 pages (including this confrmation).